I once stated that I couldn't imagine a long term or permanent relationship with anyone who wasn't also my best friend. I think many people end up married and never accomplish this. They may love one another, but they never develop that bond where they can talk to each other easily about everything. You know.....fears, hopes, dreams, emotions, feelings, what made me laugh today, the latest gossip, a stupid joke, a trivial event that occurred, I had this really random thought, etc...etc...etc. Nothing is too trite to mention and no topic is uncomfortable. I realize that this bond or type of friendship does not appear overnight. It is worked at and developed over many, many months and sometimes years.
Now why did I bring this up?
Last weekend I was over at BC's place. A home project has loomed overhead for several months at his place and on Saturday evening when asked what I wanted to do on Sunday, I said, " Let's attack the garage." Response back.......a happy and firm.....ok! So on Sunday morning...err... late morning we cleaned out the garage and organized it so that one sleek green beemer could now fit into the garage. The importance of this you ask? Well for the first time, other than cooking a meal, which also plays into all of this, we worked together on something that required team work and cooperation. During this time trivial conversation occurred as well as suggestions to each other, and in a way, constructive criticism on if one plan or organization was better than another. The interaction it takes to work together on something is different than the interaction people have over eating dinner, watching tv, driving, or being out on a date. I think you see each other in a different light. Soooooo with that in mind, for the first time since we started dating, I felt like we were well on our way to developing a friendship.