Well its been a bit.......I have been so tied up with the errands and stuff that I just haven't posted for some time.
First off another ferret joined the household but seems to have trouble settling in. Quizzy (the newbie) and Tauvi seem to have a contest going over who is gonna be the alpha of the business (a group of ferrets) I think Quizzy is more than happy to be a subordinate but Tauvi being the street girl that she is, has to tell him everyday at least 5 times a day. So I currently keep them in separate caging areas and have to supervise all playtime. The squabbling seems to be lessening.....or am I just being optimistic.
I had a doctors visit and was prescribed a new med called lisinopril. I was told the side effects might be a dry cough. NOT! Upon reading the flyer and info on Web MD, I found that 1% of people will suffer fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizzy spells and headaches. The first day I took the meds I became so tired that I fell asleep on my bed at 6PM and didn't wake up until my alarm went off the next morning. Next day I took the meds I was not only tired but became extremely nauseous and suffered from pain in the abdomen, headaches, violent fluid explosions, and fever. Saturday I decided there was no way I was taking any more of it, but it takes 48 to 72 hours to clear out of your system. Saturday I was recovering and feeling much better by 6PM. I had just finished fixing dinner for myself, some soup and a grilled cheese sammich, when the doorbell rang. I eventually broke from the intruder and went to go eat. can of soup still in my hand and got so dizzy that I passed out. I awoke and estimated 2 minutes later, still dizzy, soup all over the carpet and sick as all hell. I went directly to bed with occasional trips to the bathroom. Sunday was much better, most of the drug was out of my system and other than some mild headaches and physical weakness was doing much better,. This was definitely a case of the side effects being worse than the problem. Doc better find another drug family that can ease the problem at hand.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Quick Quips
Went to the outdoor Florida orchestra concert this past Saturday and what beautiful weather we had. The afternoon was 84 and breezy so the picnic and people watching was great. The evening brought cooler temps and a wonderful selection of music, topped off with the usual fireworks finale.
Peter is feeling unsure about school. He wants to know how he is gonna be able to work and pay his bills and go to the fire academy. I reminded him that Pete worked and went to school and that if we get the school loan that will help also with daily living for him.
I brought Nissmo's ashes home today.
Work is going well......need more pay!
And lastly......................
Anyone else see the brawl between Miami and Florida International? Seems to me that there ought to be more than just one game suspensions. And even moreso has anyone looked at Miami' troubled past? Here are some highlights:
* Several Miami players fought with LSU players following the Tigers' Peach Bowl win.
*Shortly before the Miami-Louisville game Sept. 16, virtually the entire Hurricanes' roster jumped on the Cardinals logo at midfield, an act widely viewed as a taunting gesture.
* A Miami player, Willie Cooper, was shot outside his home shortly before training camp began in what players contend was a robbery attempt. Meriweather returned fire; so we got gun toten' hooligans to be polite.
* Wide receiver Ryan Moore, who was suspended for the Peach Bowl for violating team rules, then suspended again for other infractions, is expected to be charged this week with misdemeanors stemming from an August fight with a woman. What a man he must be!
What are these guys gonna be like when they hit the pros?
Peter is feeling unsure about school. He wants to know how he is gonna be able to work and pay his bills and go to the fire academy. I reminded him that Pete worked and went to school and that if we get the school loan that will help also with daily living for him.
I brought Nissmo's ashes home today.
Work is going well......need more pay!
And lastly......................
Anyone else see the brawl between Miami and Florida International? Seems to me that there ought to be more than just one game suspensions. And even moreso has anyone looked at Miami' troubled past? Here are some highlights:
* Several Miami players fought with LSU players following the Tigers' Peach Bowl win.
*Shortly before the Miami-Louisville game Sept. 16, virtually the entire Hurricanes' roster jumped on the Cardinals logo at midfield, an act widely viewed as a taunting gesture.
* A Miami player, Willie Cooper, was shot outside his home shortly before training camp began in what players contend was a robbery attempt. Meriweather returned fire; so we got gun toten' hooligans to be polite.
* Wide receiver Ryan Moore, who was suspended for the Peach Bowl for violating team rules, then suspended again for other infractions, is expected to be charged this week with misdemeanors stemming from an August fight with a woman. What a man he must be!
What are these guys gonna be like when they hit the pros?
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Nissmo Sleeping in his favorite place - the bath tub
Another heartbreak has hit my family of fuzzies. I take this one harder because he wasn't ill. I had a rug I was thinking of putting in the ferret room. I stood the rolled up on end in the corner of the room and left it. In the morning when I go to work I usually put the ferrets in their cage and head off to work, but Friday I didn't because they seemed to be full of a lot of extra energy. So I closed them in their room and went to work. I came home that evening and let them out but noticed Nissmo didn't come out to play. I figured that he had gone into one of his deep deep sleeps and would wake up later and come out. I decided to not put the carpet in the room and moved it out to the kitchen to get rid of. By 9PM there was still no Nissmo and I was getting worried, by 10 I was looking all over and even checking outside. I went to bed at 1 but was unable to sleep and lay awake most of the night. I got up at 5 and started looking again..... I walked into the kitchen and my eyes hit the rolled up carpet......my heart sank and I knew....I grabbed the carpet and started to unroll it ......there he was............ motionless. I grabbed him and he was cold................... I can't stop blaming myself. Nissmo was an excellent climber and I should have known he would see it as a mountain to conquer. I should have known the dangers of him wanting to investigate the center dark universe of that rolled up carpet.
Now Sir Woozle lies at my feet depressed. He and Nissmo (August Archive...scroll to the 12th) went through a lot and now I am responsible for him missing his bud. I will always remember Nissmo for his unique characteristics that made me laugh.
He could always be found sleeping in the tub.
He was a great climber and when I was looking for him, calling his name, his little head would pop outta some of the highest places in the house.
He wagged his tail when he got really excited about something.
He would escape from his cage or the room and come running up to me and have this expression on his face of "Hey! Look mom I got out!"
He sometimes looked at me with another expression of thanks for giving him a better home. It was almost like he was asking if he really was getting to live a happier life than what he had before.
It is the last that makes me cry the most.......... it was my fault Nissmo and I am sorry.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Older Model
I had an eye exam today. I knew my eye sight was getting worse but I guess I didn't realize HOW bad. So I got checked for glaucoma, cataracts and because of my high blood pressure they checked to be sure there was no bleeding in the back of the eye and no clots. Clean bill of health there. After the read this line and read that line routine she spoke the words BI-FOCALS! Ugh!
I never thought of myself as getting old but for some reason that word..............bi-focals , sent a reality through my poor soul and I heard the statement "
You ain't 30 honey!"
I looked around to see who said that and realized in came from within.
Oh give me a break....I'm not 80 either!
Oh yea well I saw you checkin out that 28 year old the other day and that is baby meat , girlie-o!
OH SHUT UP! I feel young.
Ya, well the creaks and blurry vision say otherwise. You ain't no sports car anymore
Ya well my old Mazda truck creaked and moaned but it still knew how to go off roadin'
Yah........That's me..........The hell with bein' the fancy shmancy sports car....They're high maintenance, and only good for lookin at. I am more like the well used SUV........I got my dents and dings, some worn parts, but I still know how to have fun, get dirty and play hard when the work is done.
I never thought of myself as getting old but for some reason that word..............bi-focals , sent a reality through my poor soul and I heard the statement "
You ain't 30 honey!"
I looked around to see who said that and realized in came from within.
Oh give me a break....I'm not 80 either!
Oh yea well I saw you checkin out that 28 year old the other day and that is baby meat , girlie-o!
OH SHUT UP! I feel young.
Ya, well the creaks and blurry vision say otherwise. You ain't no sports car anymore
Ya well my old Mazda truck creaked and moaned but it still knew how to go off roadin'
Yah........That's me..........The hell with bein' the fancy shmancy sports car....They're high maintenance, and only good for lookin at. I am more like the well used SUV........I got my dents and dings, some worn parts, but I still know how to have fun, get dirty and play hard when the work is done.
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