Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Quick Quips

Peter is not moving out. He decided it was more important to get a car that runs, versus the dead one that was sitting on the side yard. He sold the old, bought a new (to him) and now has a running car. Now he has something to get him around when it rains. Poor bike will start to feel neglected.

Was invited to a progressive dinner at Lowery Park Zoo this past weekend. It was pretty cool. Being Valentines that week, the lectures were on the animals, amore and sexual abilities and prowess. Very fascinating talks........dinner was pretty good too. Apps in Africa, salad with the Manatees, dinner in the Love hall and dessert in Australia. Got to check out some cool critters that were being carried around by caretakers. I had a lot of fun................

Work is still ok......... I get treated quite well

I took Angel to a Holistic vet...... traditional Western meds just were not helping her get better. Maybe natural meds will. So far she has not deteriorated...... skin is about the same, but her snotty nose seems to be clearing up. She also seems to me up and moving around a bit more. Her next appointment is not until the beginning of April so we shall see how she is by then with the meds she is on now.

My, my........... Feb has been a rainy month and with that thought, I can't believe that Feb is already soon to be over.

Been busy busy with little projects...... set to sewing hammies for Jackie’s shelter...she had taken in 11 rescues (ferrets) from one location and a few more from another home.
Hope to be starting some landscaping projects soon....make the house have some curb appeal before weather gets hot............. summer project, hopefully my bedroom, but no new carpet until the ferrets have their room back.....so making my bedroom nice will prolly have to wait until Peter moves out. *sigh*