Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life in Reality

Wow has my inner blogger been denied lately. Its been such a major lack of time. June flew by without a peep. July brought vacation and no internet....which I didn't mind and once it was back to reality, life speed up to 150 miles an hour. Work being the major hoarder of time, has left me worn out. I come home from work and have fallen asleep on the couch, in the early evening almost every night. I'm not complaining.....I am truly grateful for a job. Its just been very stressful and long hours. Peter and his fiancee have vacated for their own place, which is nice and cozy, and left me with my quiet and tranquil house. The furkids are back in their own room and all is right at The Polecat Parlour.
Vacation in Virginia was awesome as usual. It is like running away from reality for a while. When I go there. I don't watch a lot of TV, internet is dial up so I don't bother much to get on and read mail......I'm just locked away in a quiet world and oblivious to what is going on outside of that little slice of paradise. I like that place. All my worries disappear...... having that escape is so nice.......and what is just as nice is all the siblings being together with the niece and nephews. Laughter always abounds.......obnoxiously loud laughter..... its such a great sound. I wish the memories of every visit could stay fresh in my mind with every detail.......well except for one argument :) Coming back to reality always makes me teary eyed. The first hour or two of the drive home I find myself depressed. Oh if life could always be so sweet and care free, but alas, reality comes back and so does the stress of everyday life.
What I always find so interesting is I really have to monitor my blood pressure when I go to Virginia......At home I take my meds daily and life goes on...but when in drops....and I have to make sure I don't over medicate myself and make my blood pressure too low. What does that tell you???
The furkids are all doing well and are a welcome to come home do after a stressful day at work. Little ferrety kisses are so sweet and make my cold heart just melt. I've become such a cynic about the world. The intolerance for others, cruelness people show each other, lack of responsibility for ones own actions, stupid lawsuits, bigotry, you owe me attitude....its all so disheartening. Its all worldwide and so overwhelming. Watching a great nation stumble and becoming only a shadow of what the fore fathers wanted makes me want to cry. Politicians don't listen to what the real people want, they do what they please to line their pockets and only answer to greed. What ever happened to majority rule. We make so many concessions for the "few" that the "many" no longer have a say. I'm tired of the race card being pulled out and PC sucks!!! Its ruining us........

OH HELL! I think I need another trip back to paradise to forget................