I wont apologize. I sat at her funeral. I watched her mother, sister and best friend break down to heaping sobs and I cried with them. Its time he were finally dead. Almost 30 years ago to the day, Oscar Ray Bolin took the life of a friend and once co worker. He was convicted, not once, but through appeals, 3 times of the murder of Natalie Blanche Holley, BJ to those who knew her. He was also convicted 3 times in the murders of Stephanie Collins and Teri Lynn Mathews. He was under suspicion of 4 other Bay area murders he never went to trial for, as well as a Texas woman and the rape of an Ohio woman. How is it he has gotten 30 years to live life and to actually fall in love and marry. (ya believe it or not his lawyer) These are things Natalie never got to do, still dreams at the age of 25. So when they injected him, after a 4 hour delay, and his ever pathetic life oozed from his body, I was glad...
Rest in peace Natalie, justice has been served.