OK. I just got my 30 day notice today. I took it quite well. I figure that as much as this place has sucked lately, and that fact I am embarrassed to tell people where I work, that being laid off just isn't that bad. Now if you read the previous post you know I had to take an ethics class. 2 we have had to do so far. I work in a dept that gives kid gloves handling to accounts that are high profile and have special contract agreements. One of those accounts is State of Georgia. They are my baby and I do my damnedest to be sure things get fixed in a timely manner and that they get all the info they need on ongoing repairs. That alone is laughable because since the actual repair work was taken from us and sent to Cary NC, nothing gets done in a resonable time. If they have a line go down, we are, by contractual agreement, supposed to have them up and working in 4 hours or we have to start paying them a % of their cost back, depending on the length of outage. It averages Cary 2 hours just to pick up the trouble ticket. So, anyway, I walked into my mgrs office to ask when we were gonna give the State of Georgia folks a heads up about what is coming. I was told we were not. See SOG is up for a contract renewal in 2 weeks......in four weeks they will not get the service the get now. They will be just another face in the crowd, treated just as rudely and curtly as everyone else. They complain now becasue they don't feel Cary meets their criteria in dealing with their needs....how are they gonna feel when their initial phone calls are met as just another call in to report trouble. No more concern because issues aren't fixed, no more concerns that we put pressure on the repair group to do their job......just another ticket to open and pass on. No ownership for anything. And they will be really pissed when they find they get this lack of service 2 weeks after signing on the dotted line. (or maybe they won't sign in the first place)
And all this after craming another ethics training class down our throats.
Hello, ethics hotline.................
Friday, June 25, 2004
Monday, June 21, 2004
Ethics Training??
Are you one of those folks that loves or at least "likes" your job?? Wish I were. Today I found my self staring at one of the company banners. In particular I was staring at the logo. MCI. And I couldn't help starting to feel a sense of loathing and distaste. Bernie Ebbers and his cohorts stole, cooked books and made enormous loans to themselves and the worker bees get to suffer for it. We just recently watched 7500 more employees get the boot and we felt it both emotionally and in the work load. Alcoholics Anonymous membership should be starting to increase real soon. Work load cases have doubled for most of us, and I don't mean from 5 cases to 10 but from 20 cases to 40............ so much for customer service. And the new CEO, Michael Capellas, nice salary dude! How many employees could be retained with that? Anyway, we, the entire company of worker bees, received an e-mail telling us we need some more ethics training. We already had one last year about not stealing company supplies and not putting ourselves into situations that would comprmise our morals. Funny thing is this company hasn't given me any office suplies in almost 4 years. Pens, notebooks, tape, staples, and occasionally even batteries for the headsets have come out of employees pockets. Hmm kinda sounds like teachers in the public school system........ and as for my morals, well I sometimes wonder if they are already comprimised by working here. But back to the ramble, now, they want us to take yet another class. This one on ethics in financial reporting. BWAHAHAHAHAHA, now please!! I certainly didn't cook those books! Of course I could report financially that they won't continue to survive if they take away any more people who service the customer. Maybe I could report the financial laughability of my paycheck for the mounds of work they now pile on me........ Maybe somewhere there is a connection between repairing frame relay circuits and telling Wall Street that we are sitting pretty on a mountain of dough.........and I just don't see it. No .....I really don't think there is a connection. So as usual, the little man does the time for the big guys that do the crime.........
Why don't I find another job??? Have you been in the job market lately??? Despite what the news reports.....well paying jobs are not the jobs that are opening up.
Why don't I find another job??? Have you been in the job market lately??? Despite what the news reports.....well paying jobs are not the jobs that are opening up.
Monday, June 14, 2004
16, Have Ride, Will Drive
Well it seems Mom's Taxi Service has been put into semi retirement. Peter is armed with a liscense and a car. I remember back when I got mine. The excitment and new found freedom. I could now go visit my friends without my mother taking me there and any reason to drive was good, even if it was just to get milk at the grocery store or to pick up some mopeds that needed repairs. I was cool. I was in the car alone and I had the road. Moving from Florida to N.J. was even better because you had to be 16 in N.J. to get your learners permit. Here I was at 16 and driving......my friends were envious and thought it was cool to hang with me. I haven't lost my love of driving. Long road trips are great. I love just cruising the country side........windows down and the wind just blowing my hair into a frazzled mess. Its the way to go. Darn.....now that road trip in July, to VA, will have to be shared with my 16 year old. I also now see the other side. The freedom gained by my parents when I no longer requested rides from them. Its amazing how much time is freed up when you don't have to chauffer someone around. Suddenly you can stay at the local hang out a little longer. Sleep in a little later because you don't have to take someone to work in the morning. Ahhhhh life just got a little easier.
Friday, June 11, 2004
I was asked about my motto yesterday. The one on the left side of my blog.
Don't sweat the small things. There is too much more going on out there.
I didn't learn this in life until I was about 34 or 35. Up 'til then everything was of major importance and could cause a crisis. Fighting your way out of an abusive relationship and dealing with its aftermath, makes the over flowing garbage a very trivial thing. I have learned that life is something to enjoy and if your not happy on the path your walking down, then turn and go in a new direction. I want to enjoy my friends. I want to know my friends. I want to like what I am doing. It's understood that I will probably never travel the world, or party with royalty, but the things I do can still be fulfilling, and entertaining. I can still let people know I am here.
But its not just that. There are larger issuses, a friend with cancer, a fence to mend with a family member, a missing child. These are the things that deserve our attention. Who cares if the dishes sit another hour. If I worry, I want to worry over something that is worth my time. I don't want to be wasting time wondering if the trash went out to the street, or did the lawn get mowed today. Yes these are things that need to be done, but if soemthing more important comes along, or something fun to do with a friend, well these things can get shoved aside for the time being. Enjoy life.
I don't plan arriving at my final destination in a nice neat package, pristine and undamaged. I'm gonna arrive screeching sideways, oil leaking and hollering Geronimo!!!!
Don't sweat the small things. There is too much more going on out there.
I didn't learn this in life until I was about 34 or 35. Up 'til then everything was of major importance and could cause a crisis. Fighting your way out of an abusive relationship and dealing with its aftermath, makes the over flowing garbage a very trivial thing. I have learned that life is something to enjoy and if your not happy on the path your walking down, then turn and go in a new direction. I want to enjoy my friends. I want to know my friends. I want to like what I am doing. It's understood that I will probably never travel the world, or party with royalty, but the things I do can still be fulfilling, and entertaining. I can still let people know I am here.
But its not just that. There are larger issuses, a friend with cancer, a fence to mend with a family member, a missing child. These are the things that deserve our attention. Who cares if the dishes sit another hour. If I worry, I want to worry over something that is worth my time. I don't want to be wasting time wondering if the trash went out to the street, or did the lawn get mowed today. Yes these are things that need to be done, but if soemthing more important comes along, or something fun to do with a friend, well these things can get shoved aside for the time being. Enjoy life.
I don't plan arriving at my final destination in a nice neat package, pristine and undamaged. I'm gonna arrive screeching sideways, oil leaking and hollering Geronimo!!!!
Monday, June 07, 2004
Whodda Thunk It?


WOW!!! Can you believe we did it!! We beat those Canadian boys even though, whats that you said?? Its your God given right to win the cup!!! Talk about HAPPY!! HAPPY!! HAPPY!! Man we lived through some pretty depressing seasons, but now, WE ARE ON THE TOP!Woooohooooo! I gotta tell ya.....my stomach has been in my throat since the beginning of game 6. Today was worse. I had that constant churning in the pit of your stomach, the stuff that makes you queazy and uncomfortable. I wanted this win and I wanted it bad. Who says that the fans don't live the dreams of the athletes? Fans want it just as bad. They want it for their boys, they want it for their city and community. Hockey moms want it, to know all that money hasn't been wasted and that Florida can make it in the sport.
I watched the game from the local wing house and what a crowd we had rockin in there. Fred I am soooooooooo jealous that you got to see the game up front and personal like, but George and I still had an awesome time. We did find a better Mama Ciarlo. Tall and pretty. Couldn't catch her name though....tried once or twice but wasn't able. But back to the game..............awesome baby, just awsome. Havta git on down to the stores for some new car flags, mugs and other good stuff. A day in history with memories of the whole series and two of the best friends I spent them with.
Off to dream heaven tonight............
Saturday, June 05, 2004
One of the guys, or me, being accepted for me?

One Of the Guys

Is it just one of the guys, or me, being accepted for me?
I have my girlie friends where I can go out and check out the guys, go shopping, or talk about the girl stuff. We hug, laugh and whisper secrets and this is great, but I also have the guy friends I hang out with and that is a different beast. They talk about girls and body parts, ask my opinion on the female side of things, talk sports, and in general......... are guys. They don't lose site of who and what they are because a "female" is present. I like this. It gives me an opportunity to see both sides of the coin. After all it seems the war between men and women is always there. You know the whole "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" thing. I get a totally different insite into who and what people are. I learned long ago to accept people as they are. See their good and bad and accept them for both. Don't try to change them, don't try to fix them. What they are is what makes them unique. So...since I get to hang with George and Fred and they aren't inhibited by my presence, does that mean I am one of the guys?, or do they just accept me for who I am? or is it all just really the same thing? It could be that we are just all adults and have learned that no one needs to impress the other and no self egos to bolster..... too much heavy thinking here....... how about another round of beer and wings.
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