One Of the Guys

Is it just one of the guys, or me, being accepted for me?
I have my girlie friends where I can go out and check out the guys, go shopping, or talk about the girl stuff. We hug, laugh and whisper secrets and this is great, but I also have the guy friends I hang out with and that is a different beast. They talk about girls and body parts, ask my opinion on the female side of things, talk sports, and in general......... are guys. They don't lose site of who and what they are because a "female" is present. I like this. It gives me an opportunity to see both sides of the coin. After all it seems the war between men and women is always there. You know the whole "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" thing. I get a totally different insite into who and what people are. I learned long ago to accept people as they are. See their good and bad and accept them for both. Don't try to change them, don't try to fix them. What they are is what makes them unique. So...since I get to hang with George and Fred and they aren't inhibited by my presence, does that mean I am one of the guys?, or do they just accept me for who I am? or is it all just really the same thing? It could be that we are just all adults and have learned that no one needs to impress the other and no self egos to bolster..... too much heavy thinking here....... how about another round of beer and wings.
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