Friday, February 04, 2005

More ........??

I have buried myself in work the last few weeks and have been racking up the overtime. I figured I didn't have much of a life so why not work and make some more money. This has put me into the thinking mode...... thinking about what life is and figuring there has got to be more. I look at the way things are now......only one income in the house now, 2 mouths to feed, and repairs still needed to the house after the lovely hurricane season, working OT is the only way to keep up with the money going out. It has been a long time since I have had to live paycheck to paycheck and it really does suck. When do I get to enjoy life? When do I get to start doing things I want to do? Right now my guess is never.......I will probably be working until the day I am put in the ground. Of course I can always hope to win the lottery. Ya that will ever happen. It would be nice to find a solution to make it all slow down to a point where I can enjoy the days............. not just suddenly look up from my desk and realize a month has gone by. Maybe some people are destined to work forever............ such a sad thought..... there is so much I would like to do........

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