Friday, April 15, 2005

Quick Quips

Well Kitty has decided to make a recovery. She is eating again, although hard food is too much for her. She is once again moving about and acknowledging people when they come in. Guess she just isn't ready to go.

Diet still going weigh in is Monday AM

Work looks like it will last a little longer. They have decided to throw some special projects and that should extend us a minnimum of a year...maybe 2

When are we gonna get the perverts off the street. I am really tired of these whackos and sickos that are preying on our children. When will gov't deal with issues that are important instead of things like steroid use in sports. I think our youth is a little more important and with all these sad pathetic usless perverts stealing and raping our children, there is a serious subject to be broached. I say we castrate or lojack the assholes but then you will get the ACLU crying foul. Who was sticking up for the rights of our children when one of the pervs was snatching and molesting a 12 year old? ok don't getting me going on that subject casue I could rant on for a loooong time on what to do with sexual predators.

Til later..................................................

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