Friday, November 25, 2005
The Perfect Holiday
Fresh fallen snow
Cool crisp air
The excitement you felt as a child
The magic (ie believing in flying reindeer)
The smell of apple pie, sugar and cinnamon
Crackling fire
The smell of pine from the Christmas Tree
Holiday music
Mom and Dad
And whatever other extended family you can find.....
Scenery: Massachusetts / Woods / Family Estate /Warm house
Food, food and more food
Colored lights
The joy you felt opening the present you just had to have more than anything.
No cares
No worries
Jingling sleighbells
A sleigh ride
Contentment and peace
Monday, November 21, 2005
Take a Moment
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Posing A Question
What makes your friends, your friends?
Sunday, November 13, 2005
A Nothing Kind Of Day
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
"What did I do so horrible to deserve this?"
And I continue to ask this everytime I have a bad day of coping, until now. What I realize is that Pete's death did not happen to punish me..................... but to reward him. My pain is just an unfortunate side affect.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Outdoor Counter

Here is my latest project. Back, 5 years ago, when I bought my house I had to rebuild the deck. The previous owners had built the 16X10 deck but they had only put one center support and used untreated wood. It was pretty nasty and you didn't dare walk on it in your bare feet. I had built this counter, I can store the grill under it from the other side, and experimented with the top of it. I had tiled it with bits of beach glass, old tiles from the bathroom, and other neat things that had color to them. Well after about 4 and a half years it is falling apart.....just the I am redoing it. I studied what was wrong with it and will correct those mistakes.
I had only one support running lengthwise and the weight of the tile and grout really calls for 2.
Use more tile and objects this time and less grout.
Secure the wood sides with more screws this time....then it won't be able to warp.
Use a sealant over the treated plywood anyways.
I completed everything today but the decorating........I'll post pictures tomorrow after that is done. Till then.......happy projects!
PS....yes the rabbit cage in the background is on my list of "To Dos" Its getting removed.