Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Posing A Question

For several days I have had one question running through my head and so I put the question forth.................................

What makes your friends, your friends?


MaxieCat said...

I so agree with Fred :)

I also think that a true friend is someone you can go 10 years without talking to and when you meet again, it's like the 10 year hiatus never took place. Things pick up right where they left off.

I think our true friends can be in a different place in life, but in the end, we all come full circle.

A true friend never expects anything from you and you don't expect anything from them. Once you bring those expectations into the "friendship" the relationship turns to much into work.

MaxieCat said...

Got this in a fortune cookie - Confuscious has spoken...

A true friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else.