A light work load awaited us this year, demo a peacock pen, put up a few deck supports and build a step. Easy peasy. The rest of the time was spent boating, swimming, fishing and my favorite ....... conversation with family over food..... and peanuts. This year was different from most. Usually only Dwain makes the trek to see Peter and me when we are at dads, but this year the entire clan made it and then some. Dwain brought his girl friend Marie, Doug and Tripp showed up, and Natalie came with daughter (Fressia) and hubby(Andy) tagging along. I can't recall the last time all four siblings were together along with all the cousins....... hmmmmmm ................ 1st time I think. Cousin Cathy and her byfriend John showed up for the 4th, bearing fireworks and yummy key lime pies.
Patsy was the Queen of Hostesses with the 4th of July having 14 people to cook for and several days of 12. Nair a grumble or a gripe of having so many mouths to feed and cook for.
So with no further waiting for the impatient........ pictures galore to tell the story...... 
The call to dinner
Most afternoons were spent talking over beer and peanuts...... or gatorade
Lots of fishing time....just for little fish but we had fun catching and releasing
Out and about Lynchburg
Dinner the night before the 4th with the whole family
Fourth of July eatins

Family Photos from the 4th
The Whole clan
Granpa with all the grandkids
Dad with all the siblings
Sitting,(left) my cousin Cathy and her BF John, Patsy (right)
my dad's wife and standing, my dad.
The boat got water in the engine so Peter steppedm up to the plate and got it running again.
This is one of their cats, Midnight, check out her eyes.
Peter's and Jens Hillbilly pictures
Some Pictures from our last evening there
Looks like a great time was had by all. It was great that the whole family was there, and boy, you and your sister look alike.
Talk to ya soon.
One of the best vacations I ever had! And ya there is no missing my sister and I as being related.
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