Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Swine Flu

I am so tired of hearing about this.

Someone please tell me what the big whoop-dee-do is about this. Swine flu is no stronger than the common flu. It carries the same symptoms and the only thing I see that makes it any different is that where normally swine flu isn't easy to pass from one human to another in this case it is. OK....strains of viruses are always mutating. The news reports that there are now over 1000 cases in 21 different countries and 20 some deaths. Has anyone looked up the flu stats just from the US? In any given year 5% to 20% of the American population will get the flu, 200,000 will be hospitalized from flu related problems and 36,000 will die.

Which do you think is the "pandemic"?

So ok...there is a flu outbreak in the spring..... do like ya do in the winter.... take the same precautions, wash your hands often, avoid contact with sick people and be smart..... or....... just stay home. I think its just the good ole government trying to take focus off themselves while they waste and throw away our hard earned tax paying dollars.

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