Monday, March 22, 2010


I stood and waited outside by the busy street. It was a blustery day and it caused my flag to stand out straight, flapping at attention. I strained to see down the road. Flashing lights were in the distance at the next lighted intersection. Soon the steady stream of headlights could be seen coming.....coming ever so slowly. I felt the rumble of the motorcycles and then the low growling became clearer. Cpl Jonathon Porto came home today. I raised my hand to my heart, bowed my head and said a prayer. He did not come home as a family had hoped........not as we wish all our soldiers would. He arrived at McDill Airforce Base in a flag draped casket. I had never met him; I did not know him, but I shed a tear for him...... youth lost.....a life lost. He passed by with 3 Sheriff's cars, 10 Patriot Guard Riders, his family, his friends, another 25 Patriot Guard Riders and 4 St Pete Police cruisers. It should have been more...... He gave his life for foreigners, for Americans, for you....... for me.

When will this madness end?

Someone else lost their life today......... I hope I was worth it.

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