Monday, August 10, 2009

The Material Things

Nearly 5 years and its still hard to part with the material things that belonged to Pete. A few things were sold right after he passed. Some things meant so very much to me but I gifted them to people I knew would treasure them more. Pete was a fireman and had many personal "tools of the trade." My son has become and EMT and can use much of these now. I lovingly pass them on to him. In many ways, by giving these things to Peter, I feel that Pete is there, watching over him, keeping him safe. This weekend I parted ways with a large TV that Pete used.... just a tv...but it was hard. I asked Peter to be sure to be kind to it.
I have gotten better.....I remind myself that these are material things and that the memories are what is important.......that he continues to live on through my heart and mind....not some inanimate object. These object don't tell stories, often, they don't even represent one. They were just "his." Don't get me wrong, there are some things I won't part with.....a jacket.....his gold St Christopher's medal.....I even breathed new life into his MAC just because it was his. I know they only have sentimental value to me....and me only. There are things in this house that I could get rid of.....framed prints and posters.....his hockey old football from high school game......a porcelain cows head (how I hate that thing) but just have not been able to .....I guess because they were things he loved. They don't fit in, clutter the house or sit hidden in a closet.
Why can't I just get rid of them?
Why do we put so much into these things?
The photos let me see him and keeps the stories fresh in my head........the voice recording lets me hear him.........what does the TV do besides turn my brain to mush?