Thursday, January 04, 2007


I was sitting at my computer and Quizzy (ferret) was playing with her ball. It is a ping pong type ball and has an object in it that makes it rattle. She loves that ball and she loves the noise it makes. She pushes it around the house with her nose. Oddly enough I take comfort in that sound. When I hear it I know she feels well and is happy. I started to thing of other sounds and smells that make me all happy inside..........

thunder storms
train whistle in the evening
howling of a wolf or coyote
the birds in the morning
heart felt laughter
ocean waves
the howling wind outside while you are toasty warm and curled up in bed

fresh cut grass
bacon cooking
my grandparents (paternal) house ( I wish they were still alive)
fresh baking bread
apple pie
the air when its about to rain

What gives you the warm and fuzzy?


MaxieCat said...

Things that make me feel good:
The way the cats smell when they come in from outside.
The way the wind whips through my hair when I am driving my Fiat.
Hearing my parents voice on the phone.
Hearing my husband coming through the door at night.
Sitting at the ocean reading a book.
Feeling snow in the air.
Seeing deer when I take a walk.

Sanity Lost said...

All very nice... :)

Anonymous said...

Sunrise through tall pines, the smell of decaying autumn leaves, wool socks after a hot shower, good cappuccino, a long bicycle ride, and waking up after sleeping 9 hours. I'm sure there's a bunch more!