Thursday, November 18, 2004


I resented them tonight.

I resented all couples tonight.

Maybe it was one too many or maybe it was just being vulnerable, but I resented couples tonight. I resented their closeness, their touchy feely, their whispered secrets. I remembered what I had, and I remembered what I missed. I remembere what I have lost. I hate being alone. I hate being without him.

1 comment:

Sanity Lost said...

Fred, I would always be happy for you, or any friend that found what they wanted. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. It was meant as a generalization and please understand that if anyone could experience the happiness I once had, I would be so elaited for them. I'm just having a hard time dealing with the holidays and few people understand my reasons for not wanting to celebrate them. Quite frankly, if the season is of giving and joy. Why should I be either when the person most important to me other than my son has been taken from me? If it is meant to be for you I hope it happens. I would be the first to raise a toast to your happiness. You are a dear friend and I love you.