Monday, September 18, 2006

Quick Quips

Yeah its been awhile. Not sure if its laziness or just being uninspired, but for anyone wanting to know what has been going on with me, here are some quick quips:

I have been out boating almost every weekend and my skin color is the tannest it has ever been. For my northern friends, gulf water temps are in the mid to high 80s and weather has still been a hot a humid 90.

I am so ready for the cooler weather.

Peters place was being tented so him and Jen were with me the past week. They tried very hard to pick up after themselves and were pleasant company to have for a week, but I am glad for having my house to myself again.

I am 1 day shy of 90 days at my new job and so far so good. Health benefits kick in October 1st and the first thing I am doing is getting my eyes checked. I am soooooooooo blind! Pay still barely gets me by, but so far I have managed to avoid getting a second job, that might be in part to mooching off of Beach Crawler on the weekends......see girls , BF can be of value....... XOXO :)

Beach Crawler has been super to me.

I haven't seen Fred in a bit and I guess I need to make a permanent week night to meet him at the watering hole to keep up with him......need to get George along too cause I have dearly missed both of them.

The ferrets are lovin the polecat parlour...... they still get put in the cage when I go to work but they love having the roam of the room during the night, and its great when guests are over cause they don't get stuck in their cage and suffer from lack of exercise.

I acquired a laser sailboat from my mother. Its been sadly neglected for a long, long time and needs a lot of work. The hull leaks and I hope we can fix that and make it seaworthy again. It will be so much fun sailing again.

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