Friday, May 14, 2004

Dead Man Walking

Dead Man Walking. An interesting term used for inmates taking that last walk to the room where their life will end. I heard it used today at work. We recently got notice of 7500 people in the company being laid in off in June and we wondered if those that had been slated to leave in March and then were reassigned, were considered part of that 7500 people. The answer soon came and we were told that the ones who were reassigned were considered "dead men walking" and were not part of the 7500. Hmmmmmmm. The thoughts I had over the use of this phrase ranged from one end of the scale to the other. At first I thought , "how appropriate" we are already slated to be let go when these temp jobs we have been assigned to,are over with, so in a sense we are dead men walking. Our lives here are limited and we know that what we have will come to an end, much like an inmate on death row knows that sooner or later his life in prison will do the same.

Now I really got a chuckle over that though, cause working here is like being in a prison, but getting axed, isn't death, its freedom.

At the other end of the spectrum I got a little angry. Does this place think our lives are over if we aren't working here? HA! I got news for them. This ain't no picnic. Living each day in uncertainty really sucks. And having ethics crammed down your throat everyday because of crimes the CEO and his compadres commited, well that in itself makes ya gag when you walk in the door. Lets not get started on the "don't steal the office supplies" line I recieved the other day. Excuse me, I think the last time this company gave me supplies was in 1999. I have even had to go buy my own batteries in order to use the headset that I need in order to do my job. Oh unless you were talking about the head set. ......Hahahahaha,........... oh please. But it would also be typical of this company to think its paradise and that leaving it would be like death. The ego that is this company. An ego so big that when it bought us out it actually dumped customers. Whos laughing at that now? Ooops that was me. No I can't say that when I walk out the door for the last time its going to make me fall to the ground and cry out "MY LIFE IS OVER!!!" more than likely it will be like a huge weight has been lifted.

Dead Man Walking?? No. Just Sniff looking for new cheese. But thats another story.

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