Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Jail Bird

Well Bernie Ebbers is to become a jail bird, guilty on all accounts. There was a slight uproar and round of applause at work when this was announced. My response was to ask if we could sentence him to the electric chair. As you can guess we are not fond of old Bernie here. We have lost jobs, morale, and pay raises thanks to him. There are still more jobs to cut. I expect this office will be gone in July. Well unless Verizon has something in mind but I am sure it is too early in the ball game to be saved by a decision at VZ. I can only hope that B.E. gets what he deserves, but I doubt it. Most rich peopple don't. They can still manage to buy their way out of it. As usual the hard workers suffer at the hands of the rich thieves. Where is Robin Hood??

As for me I guess I better bury my head back in the want ads. I would like to find something before I am escorted out the door.

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