Thursday, February 02, 2006

Love at First Sight

Today a discussion came up of love at first sight. The question set forth was, did you believe in it. My response was a strong "Yes!"

Peter was about 7. It was a Saturday morning and he was raring to go to his hockey skating lesson. So in the car and off to the rink we went. We got there and I helped Peter get his skates on and out to the ice. I took my usual place in the stands to watch. John, his skating coach was out there and so was a new coach. I stared at him and watched him almost the entire lesson. A girlish giddiness came over me and I couldn't help but laugh. I felt butterflies! This was just silliness, but it felt nice as I was at a point in my marriage where even the tought of my husbands touch made my skin crawl. After his lesson we always stayed for the public skate so Peter could practice what he had just learned. As I turned to walk out to the front desk I almost ran into this new coach.
"Um sorry, excuse me" (Damn I am such a dork)
He smailed and continued through the door to the outer lobby.
Peter and I got on the ice to skate and who else should come skating out? I stood still and once again, came the butterflies. All I could think was "don't fall, don't fall" And then he skated over to one of the 20ish girls, gave her a hug and a kiss, and disappointment spread throughout. I began to scold myself...."How silly is this!?" Here I am mooning over a guy I don't even know, he has a girlfriend and I am still married to an ass! What is wrong with me!
With that I turned back to my son and helped him through the things he had learned and encouraged him to keep trying when he messed up and fell. The next thing I knew there was a voice from behind. "Here, let me show you" and the new coach moved closer to Peter and demonstrated the manueuver he was trying to conquer. He spent about 3 minutes with Peter and then turned and introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Pete." I was glad it was cold in there because the pinkness in my cheeks could be blamed on the cool temperature in the rink. I looked in his face and knew I saw him in my future.

The butterflies hung around for a long, long time, and so did Pete.


Anonymous said...

What happened next? Dates? Marriage? Do tell!

Sanity Lost said...

Friends to best friends to falling in love to liviing together. He died 17 months ago, but don't be sad, my 9 years with him were wonderful and I learned what real love felt like. He helped raise my son and all my memories are great ones.

Anonymous said...

That's bittersweet. You have a nice perspective. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That was beautifully told. Thanks to Bob for linking in to your really neat site.