Saturday, April 29, 2006

Quick Quips and Ramblings

I went to the east coast with BC (last known as Mr X) last weekend and met up with with two close girl friends. What a blast. I can't remember the last time I had that much fun! Friday we were all up until 3 AM laughing away the whole evening and early morning. Saeurday was awesome as we went down to Sabasstians Inlet and watched the surfers from the pier and then sat on the rocks just soaking in the sun, breeze and sounds. That evening BC fixed a wonderful dinner for us girls.....mmmmmmmmmmm was it deeee-lish!

The rugrats not around much. He caught himself a new GF and she has her own place. I wonder how long that will last?

Work sucks more than of my to "do list" .......GET A NEW JOB.....second on my "to do" list, GET A NEW JOB!!

I have been side tracked for 2 months now (pleasantly I will add) but I must start getting focused back on home projects.

1 comment:

MaxieCat said...

Sounds like you had a great time with BC (is this the new link on your site???) If so, he's quite a looker.

The fact that he cooks for the "girls" makes him even more wonderful - sounds like someone else I know.

Talk to ya later
